The Grow System Book

Your Ultimate Resource for Modern Sustainable Living.

Welcome to The Grow Network (TGN), an online community of 450,000 homesteaders that strive to live a modern, self-sufficient lifestyle. Our community is composed of the world’s most productive people who practice self-sufficiency to promote sustainable living. TGN community members grow food in their backyard, craft herbal medicine in the kitchen, and deliberately choose to live healthier and more environmentally-conscious lives.

The Grow System Book

Your Ultimate Resource for Modern Sustainable Living.

Welcome to The Grow Network (TGN), an online community of 450,000 homesteaders that strive to live a modern, self-sufficient lifestyle. Our community is composed of the world’s most productive people who practice self-sufficiency to promote sustainable living. TGN community members grow food in their backyard, craft herbal medicine in the kitchen, and deliberately choose to live healthier and more environmentally-conscious lives.

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Welcome to the Grow Network, where the beauty of growing your own food and making your own natural remedies awaits. Embark on a journey of self-sufficiency and wellness as we explore the art of growing nourishing food and benefit from the power of plants for medicinal purposes.

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Explore our website to uncover the secrets of cultivating your own food and crafting powerful, plant-based medicines. Discover the satisfaction of nurturing seeds into vibrant produce and benefit from the medicinal properties of herbs and plants to create your very own remedies. 

Recommended Tools

Explore TGN’s top picks of guides, kits, and equipment tailored to fuel your gardening endeavors and empower your journey toward self-sufficiency. 

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Browse our wide collection of growing, wellness, live stock, and homesteading content.

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February 9, 2023
