Raising Backyard Meat Rabbits – Rabbit Meat Transcript
Just how much rabbit meat can you produce for your family?
I get that question a lot! Well, the answer is complicated.
One answer is: Probably not as much as someone keeping rabbits up North. Rabbits are a Winter animal. They are built for wintry weather. So, I have a disadvantage raising rabbits in the South. Having said that, I never like to compare myself with others. I just do what I can, with what I have been dealt with. Hence my motto: Bloom where you’re planted!
Personally, I like having a season for everything. Caring for lots of baby rabbits is a lot of work. Having the Summer months with just my breeders is a time of rest. Something usually takes its place to provide for my family. Thanks to our freezer, we can enjoy meat during this lean, hotter than Hell time! I haven’t canned my meat yet, but I know someone who does. My plan is to visit her soon and learn how to put up some of this meat just in case my freezer goes out! Hate to be dependent on that freezer working!
Here is my breeding schedule for my area; Dallas Texas: October-May
-September 1st – preparation for my season starts by taking my buck inside to get his fertility back for those cool October days.
-October 1st – breed does (I have 2 but will add one more this Fall because I have 3 grow out pens to put babies in!)
-November 1st- babies born
-December 1st-babies are weaned-move them to grow out pens-Breed does again.
-January 1st-2nd batch of babies born
-February 1st- Harvest rabbits in grow out pens at 12 weeks old- Babies are weaned- move them into empty grow out pens. Breed does again.
-March 1st- 3rd batch of babies born!
-April 1st – Harvest 2nd batch of rabbits- move 3rd batch into empty grow out pens (at 4 wks old)
-June 1st-Last harvest of all babies! Rabbit season is over! Congratulations you provided lots of meat for your family!
Freeze or can meat for the months to come.
-Save a few of your strongest babies to replace those rabbits that are aging out of breeding program.
-Keep a few in case something happens to your buck, like a bobcat. I learned this lesson the hard way!
With 2 does, if they have litters of 7 each time, breeding 3 times:
Potentially, I can produce 14, 14, 14 = 42 rabbits
I sell as many as I can (keep extra cages for rabbits you are holding for buyers)
The rest provides meat for my family.
This looks so great on paper, but it doesn’t always turn out this way! As I said, one year a bobcat literally scared my buck to death! One year one of my does didn’t get pregnant! When she finally did get pregnant she was NOT a good mom, ever! However, this is the breeding schedule/goal that I strive for!
In the end I have provided a lot of nutritious, humanely raised meat for my family. I have sold enough rabbits to pay for my food costs for the season. Lastly, and maybe most importantly I have taught my kids where their food comes from; how much care, work, sacrifice goes into each bite of meat on their plate. Let’s give each other a virtual high five for doing something, that was once ordinary, (providing food for your family) that has turned into something extraordinary!
1. Research how to build or where to purchase a rabbit tractor or a large pen for your grow outs.
2. Create a breeding schedule tailored to your climate. See resources for an example.