Looking for the easiest, fastest way to peel garlic? This super-efficient technique will let you peel 20 cloves of garlic in just 8 seconds!

Looking for the easiest, fastest way to peel garlic, then process and store it for use later? Check out this super-efficient technique from Tom Bartels, which he uses to peel 20 cloves of garlic in just 8 seconds. (Yes, really!)
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In this excerpt from his presentation at our Fall Home Medicine Summit 2018, “Maximize Storage Nutrition of 10 Crops With These Fast and Easy Techniques,” Tom also talks us through his favorite storage method; why he recommends using avocado oil over olive oil; and how long processed, stored garlic will stay good.
This is an updated version of an article that was originally published on October 10, 2018. The author may not currently be available to respond to comments, however we encourage our Community members to chime in to share their experiences and answer questions!

The Grow Network is a global network of people who produce their own food and medicine. We’re the coolest bunch of backyard researchers on Earth! We’re constantly sharing, discovering, and working together to test new paths for sustainable living—while reconnecting with the “old ways” that are slipping away in our modern world. We value soil, water, sunlight, simplicity, sustainability, usefulness, and freedom. We strive to produce, prepare, and preserve our own food and medicine, and we hope you do, too!
Do you need to add the oil before freezing. I use most of my minced garlic in canning pickles and you can’t have the oil.
Jennifer, put all your cloves on a cookie sheet and put in the freezer. Once frozen, you can place them in a ziploc bag or mason jar. This way, you can pull out individual cloves as you need them! I use this method for freezing other fruits/veggies! This way, stuff doesn’t ‘clump’ so much!
Wow, what a simple solution! I have been freezing garlic for several years, because I don’t like the idea of it possibly drying out or sprouting over the winter. I find the peeling very time-consuming, so this is definitely something I will try next year. (This year’s garlic was packed away some time ago, and I will be planting next year’s crop in a week or so.)
To answer Jennifer’s question, I have never added oil before freezing. I just put the peeled, whole cloves in a freezer bag or other container, making sure to not pack them too tightly, so I can take out one, or several, as needed.
The sounds great and easy for garlic that you cook with. My question is what does this process do to the medicinal qualities? Can it still be used the same as chopping fresh cloves? Any information on this would be greatly appreciated.
Amazing! Where has this trick been all of my adult life? LOVE it. Thank you!
This is so awesome! I’m definitely going to try this. I’m looking forward to his full presentation. Thanks!
Could the peeled cloves keep without putting in the food processor? I’m just concerned about the allicin being lost after the 24 hour window. The way that it was taught to me by my teacher, Julie James is that crushing the garlic will release the allicin which is stable for a 24 hour period. I’ve seen frozen whole cloves but I don’t have the equipment to seal them up, I do however have a ton of mason jars.
Many complain of the difficulty of peeling garlic but I discovered a way that is tres easy! Cut the garlic in half lengthwise or across the middle. This seems to release the tension of the peel and the peel almost comes off on its own. If there is some stuck to parts of the clove, just cut through the middle of that part and watch – the peel just seems to pop off. I hope this helps! This has allowed so much less frustration for me. I hope it does for others too.
Cut ends off first, even better.
Thanks so much for the demo and the preservation tip. I also like the idea of just freezing the cloves on a tray and then popping them in freezer bags so I can use them one at time. Excellent.
I’ve actually tried the peeling tip using metal bowls but it didn’t seem to work for me. I’m wondering if there is a ratio of garlic to the size of the bowl that works best. I may have too much garlic in too (and two) small bowls.
doesn’t work for me either … just partially. Possibly for garlic just out of the ground it is more effective.
Great way to preserve garlic! Also I prefer to cook with Avocado oil too.
not. a colorless odorless tasteless bacteria that is deadly can form in any organic substance submerged in any oil
Great way to peel garlic!
BEWARE! A colorless olorless tasteless bacteria can contaminate ANYTHING organic that is placed in oil. Freezing will PROBABLY prevent the formation AS LONG AS it’s frozen. Leave garlic butter on the counter, and you could get VERY sick or worse. This is why I make garlic butter a small batch at a time and only add parsley when serving.
Love the flavor and aroma of garlic, but also find that I digest cooked garlic and other cooked alliums better with the living enzymes in raw garlic. I’m going to try Tom’s technique for the convenience and season bridging benefits, but also see if the enzymes endure long term freezing. SandyForest