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Homestead Permaculture

You’ve decided to start homesteading, and it’s time to dive into the rich world of growing your own food. Don’t get overwhelmed — get excited! Even if you don’t have any experience, The Grow Network can help you cultivate a thriving garden that puts home-grown food on your table. With our resources and blogs, a sustainable vegetable garden is possible. You’ll find topics that cover fertilizer and potting soil, composting bones, dairy, and human waste, and how nitrogen affects your soil. Check out the most recent posts and newest guides below.

My Top Resources

"Growing food is like printing your own money!"

This simple system will show you how you too can start growing nutritious and wholesome food, right now! 

Catch Up On Our Recent Gardening Posts

homemade organic fertilizer

Hand forming a heart shape with a small plant / Love and protect nature

Grow Your Own Groceries with Homemade Fertilizers!

Our most popular article ever! Stop throwing away common household wastes - use them to feed your garden instead! Plus, grab my ultimate guide to 50 cheap and easy DIY fertilizers - for FREE!

Colony Rabbits Video Image

Produce ½ Of The Protein For A Family Of 4 In Less Than 10 Minutes Per Day

A 17:46 video revealing my step-by-step system that is a must-watch for families who want to eat delicious food, be free of supermarkets, and live off-grid.

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There are many different types of plants you can grow in a medicinal garden, and each one requires unique care and maintenance. Cacti and succulents, like aloe vera, need to be in direct sunlight with minimal water. Herbs and flowering plants do best with indirect sunlight and lots of water. Knowing when to water, mist, fertilize, and re-pot is a critical part of ensuring your plants are healthy and potent!

The Grow Network can help you create comprehensive care schedules for the medicinal herbs you grow and provide remedy recipes for 95% + of your most common healthcare needs! Once you start reading our blogs and following our tips, you’ll see how easy it really is to take control of your family’s health by making your own remedies.

Ready to get started? Dive into the creation of your medicinal garden with The Grow Network today!

What Is Homestead Permaculture?

Growing a sustainable vegetable garden requires a unique approach to agriculture called permaculture. This type of system strives to mimic patterns found in nature in a more controlled environment. The central tenets of permaculture include caring for the earth, allowing people access to the essentials they need, and taking only what you need to care for yourself and your family. You should always return any surplus to the earth, recycling waste products back in as well.

When you grow your own food through permaculture, you should strive to avoid damaging the natural ecosystem in your garden in any way. Instead, work with your environment and integrate your herbs, fruits, and vegetables as seamlessly as possible. Work with nature instead of against it!

The Grow Network Can Help

The Grow Network is here for you. Grow your own food, make your own medicine, and live self-sustainably with our advice and guidance on your side! When you’re ready to get started, browse products that can make your journey easier on our store today.
