June 27


How to Make Elderberry Syrup (Video)

By Writing Contest Entry

June 27, 2022

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When you’re learning how to make elderberry syrup, the simplest recipes can be best. This 2-minute video walks you through the process.


How to Make Elderberry Syrup (Recipe)

There are several recipes out there that you can use to make elderberry syrup, but sometimes the simplest is the best. Here’s a basic recipe to follow as you’re learning how to make elderberry syrup.

1 c. water
1 oz. dried elderberries
1/2 c. raw honey

Grab a small saucepan and add water and elderberries. Simmer over low heat for about 45 minutes, or until liquid is reduced by half. Allow mixture to cool for a few hours, then use a spoon to crush the berries.

Set a colander on top of a glass bowl, then line the colander with cheesecloth. Pour the elderberry mixture through the cheesecloth and strain the mixture. Make sure to squeeze all of the juice out of the elderberry mixture.

Add honey, and stir well. Store in the refrigerator.

How to Make Elderberry Syrup (Video)

Want to watch how to make elderberry syrup? Follow along in this 2-minute video to see how it’s done:

How To Make Your Own Elderberry Syrup from The Grow Network on Vimeo.

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Elderberries can be purchased online from any number of sources, or you can simplify things by using The Grow Network’s DIY Elderberry Syrup Kit, which provides you with everything you need to get started.


Make Your Own Elderberry Syrup With TGN’s DIY Elderberry Syrup Kit! Buy Yours Here!


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Writing Contest Entry

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