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Cultivating Cannabis – Pruning, Sexing, & Companion Plants


Cultivating Cannabis-Pruning, Sexing & Companion Plants


  • Find a friend that has grown cannabis and talk to them about your interests. 
  • Decide if you want to prune your cannabis on this first grow. If so, go to the resources document and watch the video on pruning! 
  • Find, make or buy materials for trellising your cannabis plants. 
  • Review photos of female & male flowers so you know what to look for. 
  • Explore to see if a neighbor is cultivating cannabis or if you have a cannabis farm nearby. If you do, it’s best to make sure you do not let any males grow in your home-grow! 

Cultivating Cannabis – Pruning, Sexing, & Companion Plants Homework


Cultivating Cannabis – Pruning, Sexing, & Companion Plants Resources

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