Making Herbal Medicine

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Welcome to the Making Herbal Medicine certification course!

In this 8 week class, you will gain the skills necessary to become your own Medicine Man/Woman. Dr. Patrick Jones will walk you through everything that you need to know from learning the names of plants to making your own salves and tinctures (along with so much more in between!). This course contains extensive knowledge that will be vital to building your own in-home medicine kit to treat many common ailments that we face from first aid to treating the flu.

Use the links below to access each session. Be sure to check the box next to each homework assignment, after you have completed it. And, don’t forget to finish the quiz at the end of each session.

Course Bonuses

Snakebite! (digital eBook)

Your First Home Medicine (digital eBook)

Home Medicine Preparations Guide (reference sheet)

Home Medicine 101 (eCourse)


Please note: If you plan to work through this eCourse with the Making Herbal Medicine Kit, please be aware that the herbs in your kit may not match the herbs Dr. Jones works with in each lesson.

Our New Making Herbal Medicine Kit has been redesigned so that once you've worked through each lesson, and made each preparation, you'll have a fully-stocked, herbal medicine kit that's ready to go for your family's common health needs.

After lots of reviews and research, the herbs included in your Kit have been updated to include more useful and popular herbs. While Dr. Jones may be working with different herbs in the lesson videos, the preparation methods you'll learn can be applied to many herbs and you'll follow the same instructions for the new herbs found in your Kit.

Click here if you'd like more info on the New Making Herbal Medicine Kit.


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