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Saving Quality Seeds Segment 3 – Soil Preparation


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Get a basic soil test from your local Cooperative Extension office, and consider doing a complete soil test from one of the companies listed in the Resources.

Dig a 1 cubic foot hole in your garden – 1 foot wide on both sides and 1 foot deep – and do an “inventory” of your garden soil. Pay close attention to the color, texture, feel and aroma of the soil, along with counting the number of different types of life forms you can see.

Working from your garden soil inventory, determine where the biggest needs are in your soil – physical, chemical or biological.

Review your map from previous homework assignments and include the spacing information, along with what might need staking or trellising.


Planting Guide for Vegetable Gardens – http://bit.ly/VegGardenPlantingGuide

Ohio State hot water and chlorine treatment for seed pathogens – http://ohioline.osu.edu/hyg-fact/3000/pdf/3085.pdf

Soil testing labs –

Texas Soil and Plant Lab – http://www.texasplantandsoillab.com/

Crop Services International – http://www.cropservicesintl.com/

Weed management article –


Organic seed resource guide –



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