Learn my low-work system for raising meat rabbits using paddock rotation, gravity-fed watering systems, and regenerative food systems.

Meat Rabbits: Raise Half Your Protein in 10 Minutes Per Day
A few years back, the awesome Justin Rhodes and his family stopped by my Central Texas homestead to learn how to raise meat rabbits and produce half of the protein requirements for a family of four in less than 10 minutes a day.
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I showed Justin and his wife, Rebecca, my no-worry, low-work system for raising meat rabbits using paddock rotation, gravity-fed watering systems, and regenerating food systems.
Watch the video to learn how I do it!
In the video, I also share the No. 1 reason why it’s much easier to raise meat rabbits and other livestock than to grow edible plants. I produce both, of course, but I do think the livestock take less work!
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(Btw, I made that hat myself—but I’m not sure I’m going to wear it on camera anymore! 😉
This is an updated version of a post that was originally published on January 23, 2018.
Marjory Wildcraft is the founder of The [Grow] Network, which is an online community that recognizes the wisdom of “homegrown food on every table.” Marjory has been featured as an expert on sustainable living by National Geographic. She is a speaker at Mother Earth News fairs and a returning guest on Coast to Coast AM. She is the author of several books, but is best-known for her “Grow Your Own Groceries” video series, which is used by more than 300,000 homesteaders, survivalists, universities, and missionary organizations around the world.
I’m digging the hat. I hope you’ll keep wearing it. ?
THanks! I made it myself…. it was a fun project. I really don’t think it looked that great on camera though.
Love the hat, love what you’re doing but ….. where’s the shoes. Do those little “pellets” get between the toes?
Q. What do you do with the pelts?
Are the sold on or do you use them for clothing, “hats”, etc
nah… the pellets don’t get between the toes 🙂
I just love being barefoot…. feels so good – so connected to what is going on. I know my land from my feet.
I so agree!!! I go barefoot everywhere on my property. My kids do too! The only issue I run into is when I forget to put on shoes when I’m going out! haha, sometimes I don’t even realize until I’m getting out of the car when I get there. I have stepped in “stuff” plenty of times – that’s what the hose is for.
Loved the information. You have given me some wonderful ideas. Please keep doing what you do. Home grown food is the best. Thank you. Have a great day
You are an inspiration and I love your sincerity Marjory-thank you!
I tried this several years ago and my rabbits dug out all the time. I finally gave up but I think after looking at what you have that my space just simply wasn’t big enough. In this system, how do you keep track of your breeding does and your babies?? They look similar when they are all grown. Also, where are they birthing? Do you keep track of the kits, or do you just let nature take its’ course and what survives, survives? Would love to know as I hate having my animals in cages. I am all about natures ways being the best, but I do not have a lot of space so I am still challenged with the rabbits.
Thanks for what you do … I love the difference you are making in the world!
God Bless!
Hi Pat,
Yes I too had a problem with digging out. The fence goes down a few inches below the soil and I regularly walk around the perimeter to check and see if they are digging – fill it back up if they are.
I like top have a variety of colors – red, black, balck and white, etc. so I can tell them apart. I generally have 1 buck and two or three breeding does. I really only need to does right now as my kids aren’t home that much and I was getting over run with rabbits.
I can easily tell my breeding rabbits by thier color and size. I will cull out the younger ones as they grow up especially the males as the main buck will chase them around a lot once they start getting big. I am almost thinking of having a partition for the mid sized younger rabbits to grow out more peacefully – away from the main breeders and really young ones.
In this system you don’t have a lot of control. It is not good for beginners. I don’t know how many babies are in a kindle, etc. Or when they breed. I often see the buck when he is going after the females, I see them getting pregnant and heavy, I see thier bodies when the nursing is going storng – there is a look to a lactating mom that is universal in mammals :). SO I have a sense of it, but nothing as certain as when using cages or tractors to confine them.
Yes, I do lose some sometimes.
The rabbits have dug out a long tunnel where they birth and raise the young. The babies don’t really come out until they are probably several weeks old – so cute! It seems they use a tunnel for a while then change it up. And I am still learning and observing.
I am still learning so much. But I completely agree that this is a much more humane way to raise rabbits. They generally seem so much happier.
If you do start another colony, please keep me updated on how it goes. A huge reason for creating this network is for you and I to be able to connect up and share our findings – and who else is crazy enough to do this kind of work? It’s just you and me adn whoever else joins in this project!
I don’t have the space to devote to this extensive of a rabbit project yet, but hopefully one day. I have been raising rabbits for around 7 years and I have often day dreamed about this type of system – MUCH more humaine.
I’m wanting to get started raising rabbits. I’ve watched your videos for years. Moved to Red Rock, Tx 2-1/2 years ago and found out when I purchased the SUMMIT, that you live here also! How wonderful. Do you have success growing Moringa? Or supplementing with hard winter wheatgrass grown indoors? I used to grow wheatgrass in Tennessee and never had mold issues. Have been seeing other fb forums supplementing their rabbit colonies with it and am truly excited. If you think you are growing enough rabbits to sell some, I’d like to try my hand at locally grown. Please let me know. I also asked your helpful office staff about apprenticing with you about rabbits in the future. At the time, she said she would pass the request on to you, but that you were dividing your time between Texas and another state. TIA!
Hi Debbie,
Yes, Nikki (the most awesome helpful person on the team!) told me to contact you.
So glad you live nearby, and yes, I am shuttling back and forth between TX and CO as we setup the second research center.
Moringa – yes! I grow moringa and the rabbits LOVE it. SInce you are in Bastrop, check out hmmm, was her name Sunny? An Asian woman who is the Moringa growing Queen of Central Texas 🙂 Sunny sells big potted plants of Moringa which is the fastest way to get started. And there are sources on the net for seeds which are pretty easy too.
I don’t have any breeding stock. Whew, I was completely over run with rabbits last winter… but they all got processed.
I look on Craig’s list, and as you’ve probably seen, I like all different colored ones so I can easily tell them apart.
HHHmmm, I am thinking of how I can contact you next time in am in TX so we can meet up.
I love the system and am thinking of doing the same but using an electric net fencing. Do you have any experience with that? I’m also wondering how you catch the babies to separate or process them?