Milky Oat Tops
(Avena sativa)

Milky Oat Tops (Avena Sativa) Overview

Appearance:Â Like perfect timing. Lend oat straw just the right amount of time to grow, then harvest it before it matures into the firmer, familiar oat, and you’ll have one of Nature’s miracles: husky little florets that emit a milky, white substance that gives Milky Oat Tops their name.
When commonly farmed:Â Oats are a flowering plant no like other.
While maturing, they’re a sponge, soaking up magnesium, niacin, chromium, selenium, calcium, silica, riboflavin, and a shelf half the alphabet’s vitamins.
When harvested while flowering in the milky oat stage, they’re able to share nutrient mother-lode like no other herb.
Of course, when commonly farmed, this nature’s sponge pulls out anything else that’s in the soil, then passes that along, often in concentrated tinctures.
When wildcrafted:Â All oats benefit from growing in real and natural ecosystem teeming with a variety of flora and fauna. And when wildcrafted in deep, living soil devoid of chemicals and impurities, they’re best able to fulfill their purpose and pass along all that goodness.
This is especially true of the tips of this nutrient spear – the fleeting miracle that are Milky Oat Tops.
Why these Milky Oat Tops are so damn potent, powerful, and sexy:Â Â All Marjory Wildcraft Milky Oats are nurtured high in the central Rockies, at Colorado’s only Demeter Biodymamic Farm, by the sublime hand of the world’s most enchanting farmer- Stephanie Syson.
There, at her miracle farm perched at the tippy-top of an unmolested alpine watershed, these oats were planted and left to grow wild, in deep rhythm with the land and air and animals about.
Herbal Profile
Botanical Name:Â Avena sativa
Family:Â Poaceae
Other Common Names:Â Oat, common oat, cat grass, pet grass, oat grass
Product Contents:Â Straw
Actions:Â Anti-depressant, carminative, diaphoretic, diuretic, febrifuge, nervine (relaxing), nutritive, tonic
Energetics:Â Moist/Cool
Taste:Â Salty
Plant Uses:Â Nervous system exhaustion, strengthen sexual potency/desire, restorative and strengthening to the whole body, mood lifter, clearer cognition, stress reducer.
Preparations:Â Nourishing herbal infusion, bath, poultice, sitz bath, foot soak, wash, hair rinse, vinegar infusion.
Toxicities/Warnings:Â Possible gluten cross-contamination; potential danger for those with Celiac disease.
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